LE12 12K Heavy-Duty 2-Stage Font & Rear Arms Lift
Challenger’s LE12 is the perfect economic 2-post lift for servicing trucks and other vehicles up to 12,000 lbs. Heavy-duty 2-stage front and 2-stage rear arms offer symmetric lifting capability. Also, adjustable column height accommodates higher profile vehicles while providing ample servicing headroom. The LE12 comes standards with stack adapters. Accommodate higher profile vehicles with optional 2 foot column extensions.
ALI®/ETL Certified
- 12,000 lb. lift capacity
- Heavy-duty 2-stage arms enable a wide range of symmetric lifting
- Single point mechanical lock release allows the technician to disengage both columns simultaneously
- Heavy-duty polyurethane screw pads accommodate a wide range of recommended lifting points
- Adjustable column height accommodates higher profile vehicles and provides maximum headroom to work underneath vehicles
- Padded overhead shut-off system prevents vehicle damage
- Powder coat finish provides long-lasting durability
- Plated arm restraints and arm pins inhibit rust and provide long-lasting durability
- Standard dual-integrated rubber door guards help protect vehicle panels from inadvertent damage
Model Number LE12
Lifting Capacity 12,000 lbs. Arms 2-stage front/2-stage rear Lifting Configuration Symmetric Rise Height 77.75" Overall Height 139.75” Drive Thru Clearance 103"
Floor to Overhead Switch 159.5” / 168.5"
Arm Reach Min. 35.75” Max. 54.5” Screw Pad Height 5.25" to 6.75" Inside Columns 115" Ceiling Height Required 167" / 176" Motor / Voltage 2HP, 208v - 230v Speed of Rise 84s ALI®/ETL Certified Yes 2' Height Extension Available Yes Color Red, Blue -